
SSCM Chapter 23

 Slag Shou Cultivating Manual Chapter 23 He has promise of staying by his side. Zhen Pu Yang felt that before he could just be invincible, fearless, and be a recipient.  Be the beloved good king, that all the possibilities of it never thought of when he was a child, and the future that he dare not touch because of his unruly nature, are all realized at this moment. He regained his temper, and then proudly made a gesture on the top of the two of them, and said: "Teacher, I was born taller than you." Many years ago, Zhen Pu Yang was still a half-year-old boy, his wish that's it to be only if he is taller and stronger than the teacher, he can held him tightly in his hands. He Lang smiled and pulled his robe. The bright yellow robe made him (ZPY) especially stable today. His complexion was like jade. He was indeed an adult man whom many women admired. For a while, he was moved. Then he patted his shoulder lightly, "Go, don't make the civil and military officials wait

EF Chapter 0

Earned Favors NU Chapter 0 He stepped on his feet, scorned and ridiculed, because he was a rich high-ranking young master, and he was just a bodyguard he hired with money, and a humble man. After four years of tossing and turning, and meeting again, he became an obscure, poor laborer, and the man he had looked down upon was already at the pinnacle of power! "Master, do you know how long I have been looking for you? Haha, four years!" "You, let go! !" .     Four years ago, The handsome young man held his forehead with his hands, and looked at the male servant who was kneeling in front of him with his head hanging and trembling leisurely. Angry? Of course not! It's worthless to be angry for such a lowly servant who stole something! The rich is noble before the poor, and the poor are humbled before the rich. This kind of fun between the rich and the poor, he has to play gracefully from time to time. read this in bailutranslations only... The soft smile spreads, lik

SSCM Chapter 22

 Slag Shou Cultivating Manual Chapter 22 He Lang ganced at Fu Shangshu, and shook his head, "His Royal Highness wants to go, so just go by yourself . This minister still talk to Shangshu daren about some matter." Zhen Pu Yang looked even more dissatisfied, he snorted coldly, discussing some matter? What can they talk about? When will the daughter of his family be able to marry him? How could he give his sweetheart this opportunity? ! He stubbornly pulled his (HL) arm and refused to let go. He Lang glanced at Shang Shu helplessly he was exhausted. Shang Shu also knows his words and expressions. Seeing that the little ancestor looked bad and knew that he had disturbed the two of them, he immediately saluted Zhen Puyang and retired, "It's late, this minister will leave first."  "I respectfully welcome Shang Shu's next visit." Said He Lang. Zhen Puyang pulled his (HL) sleeves, gritted his teeth, gave him a glance, next time? read this tranlsation in ba

SSCM Chapter 21

 Slag Shou Cultivating Manual Chapter 21 : Farce The next day, He Lang found that his royal highness suddenly appeared in his room, and it was quite a headache. He just leave the bride behind and dont even know how serious the consequences are. Sure enough, his teacher mansion was quickly visited by the menacing bride. When He Lang heard this, he was a little surprised and determined that Jiang Yu Qing was not a gentle, steady and virtuous lady, so he treated her with extreme caution. He saw her being supported by the two maidservants with double headed buns in her head. She was dressed in luxurious long skirts, carved from jade with a natural appearance full of beauty. There was a flamboyant noble color between her eyebrows. She was obviously had a bad temper, she came and asked him where the prince was. read this translation in bailutranslation only.... Yesterday's socializing work was exhausted him (ZPY), and Zhen Pu Yang had particularly a good rest on his room. Before he got u

SSCM Chapter 20

  Slag Shou Cultivating Manual Chapter 20 : Big Wedding Facing Zhen Pu Yang's eyes who's like a torch bitter, He Lang is speechless for a while. That's right, he did inquire about these things clearly earlier, and didn't tell his highness that he (HL) was just afraid that he (ZPY) would be angry. As this time, like a wayward child, rejecting all arrangements for his sake, and only care about his own happiness. But he felt that this was time for his highness to grow up, take on the responsibilities of being an adult, and think about his way to seizing the throne. Knowing whether he (ZPY) was listening or not, He Lang patted his shoulder softly but was thrown away by the other party. He was obviously still angry. He (HL) wasn't discouraged and continued to hold his hand until he shook it back. "If you're not happy, just treat her as a vase and put it in your house as a servant, okay? besides, after the Emperor gave you a marriage, he also gave you the palace.

SSCM Chapter 19

Slag Shou Cultivation Manual  Chapter 19 Weather is getting colder, the Mid-Autumn festival is aproaching. The palace used to be lively at this moment, not to mention the harem is preparing a big reward at the poem meeting. The royal heirs and the family members of high ranking officials will gather together to enjoy the moon and drink, also chant poems against each other. When the full moon hung high in the sky, the gathering's began under the vast sky. The female all dressed up for this banquet appointment. The young ladies have always been in their own boudoirs, rarely have the opportunity to out and meet people, let alone in front of so many talented people that relatives to the Emperor, they naturally spent a lot of money just to show their beauty. He Lang looked dazzled, he only felt that the fragrant of the powder was so tangy, making him dizzy. He quickly drank a sip of tea to keep him awake. read this translation in bailutranslation only, if were found outside it wasnt min