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QX Chapter 2

 Qing Xuan Chapter 2 Qi Feng release Wu Yin hand to block, but the sword movement was surprisingly fast. Usually Xuan is very gentle, but once holding a sword, it is very scary. In desperation, Qi Feng slapped Xuan's chest with a palm. With a bang, the sword stance was broken, Xuan  took a few steps back, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the front of the white clothes was instantly dyed red. "Xuan!" Qi Feng exclaimed and rushed forward, supporting Xuan's shaky body. He didn't want to hurt him. He never thought that the person who hurt him would be himself, and he should be able to avoid it. "Xuan, how are you?" Xuan raised his head and looked straight at Qi Feng with a desolate expression. The injury is not serious, but the heartache is like being torn apart. He lost. It was the choice he forced Qifeng to make. He knew that this would be the result, but he still wanted to bet. Sure enough, he failed miserably. "Xuan..." Qi Feng called o

QX Chapter 1

 Qing Xuan Chapter 1 When Qi Feng stepped into the room, he saw that the door to the terrace was open , Xuan was standing against the railing, a thin body wrapped in white clothes, and  his  loose black hair, has a few locks of which were dancing lightly in the wind. "Xuan," Qi Feng called out, "Why are you getting up?" The boy in white by the handrail turned his head, have a very handsome face , although it was morbidly pale. Qi Feng took a piece of clothing and approached him, putting it on his body: "I'll be better now, what should I do if you catch a cold?" Seemingly reproachful,   his eyes were full of pity. Xuan smiled: "Then you can stay longer." Qi Feng was stunned for a moment, although there was a smiling face in front of him, but there was no smile in those clear eyes.  The last time he came back, he (Xuan) was like this, but he just said that he was not in good health. "Xuan, are you hiding something from me?" Qi Feng tu