QX Chapter 1

 Qing Xuan

Chapter 1

When Qi Feng stepped into the room, he saw that the door to the terrace was open, Xuan was standing against the railing, a thin body wrapped in white clothes, and his loose black hair, has a few locks of which were dancing lightly in the wind.

"Xuan," Qi Feng called out, "Why are you getting up?"
The boy in white by the handrail turned his head, have a very handsome face, although it was morbidly pale.

Qi Feng took a piece of clothing and approached him, putting it on his body:
"I'll be better now, what should I do if you catch a cold?" Seemingly reproachful, his eyes were full of pity.

Xuan smiled: "Then you can stay longer."

Qi Feng was stunned for a moment, although there was a smiling face in front of him, but there was no smile in
those clear eyes. The last time he came back, he (Xuan)
was like this, but he just said that he was not in good health.

"Xuan, are you hiding something from me?" Qi Feng turned Xuan's body over, supported his shoulder, and asked seriously.

"No." Xuan turned his head away, seemingly unwilling to
look at Qi Feng.

No one can force him to say what he doesn't want to say, and Qi Feng can only sigh secretly.

There should be nothing, maybe he just feels lonely. When I (QF) said this to myself in my heart, it seemed like I wanted to give myself a reason not to investigate further.

"Xuan, take good care of yourself, otherwise how can I rest assured?" Qi Feng asked seriously. He always regarded Xuan as his own brother, and always hoped to help him protect him from all the wind and rain, but now
he must leave. There was a woman waiting for
him uneasily, and he had promised to give her happiness.

"Are you leaving again?" Xuan lowered his head, worried. He wanted to tell him everything, because he was the only person he could ask for help, but he didn't dare to speak. Such an unbearable thing, for fear that he (QF) would be disgusted if he knew. But as long as he is around, it is enough, as long as he is there, then everything can be endured.

Qi Feng gently lifted Xuan's jaw and made him look directly at him. Originally, I wanted to encourage him a few words, but I couldn't help but feel heartache for the blankness in his eyes. Helpless, he could only hold the frail body in his arms, and solemnly instructed again: "Xuan, you have grown up, you must learn to take care of yourself." After a long time, Xuan raised his head and smiled at Qi Feng. He knew that he (QF) didn't like to stay in Elysium and he didn't want to force him. 

Although I don't like saying goodbye to him, he will always come back.

"You don't have to worry about me, I'll take care of myself."

"Don't get sick again."

"Yeah." The two looked at each other, and Qi Feng also laughed. He was reassured, or rather reassured, by his commitment. There was a vague sense of unease in his heart, but the strong expectation made him ignore this uneasiness, and he didn't realize that he would
regret this ignorance many years later.

"Second young master, the eldest young master is gone!" Abin gasped. As soon as he heard the news, he ran.

"What are you talking about?" Xuan didn't seem to understand. 

"The eldest young master left a letter saying that he will not come back." Abin explained, "It seems to be for a woman." 

Xuan stared at him and muttered for a long time, "He will not come back..." His lips trembled uncomfortably. He thought he was just traveling as usual and would come back after a while. It was hard for him to write, but Abin wouldn't lie to him.

"Second Young Master, are you alright?" Abin looked at Xuan uneasily. The latter didn't seem to hear anything. "He won't be back..." Only those words echoed in his ears. Something seemed to be ripped from his chest. Qi Feng, whom he had always trusted, left without even saying goodbye. 

"Second Young Master..." Abin stepped forward to support Xuan, who was pale, and wanted to persuade him, but he didn't know what to say. He knew best that for Xuan, Qi Feng meant all expectations.

Now that Xuan has lost his hopes, how will he face those unbearable nights? 

"Second young master," someone called outside the door, "the city chief will see you."


"Understood, I'll go right away." Abin agreed on his behalf.

"Second Young Master!" Abin shook Xuan, who was at a loss, and called, "The city chief sees you, hurry up."

Xuan suddenly woke up, he glanced at Abin, and met a concerned look. Xuan cleaned up Wuzhu's mind and walked out of the room.

Yu Xingyun paced back and forth heavily, his face flushed with rage, like a beast that was about to pounce on its prey.

"Father." Xuan bowed his head respectfully at the door.

Yu Xingyun glanced at him, grabbed the tea cup on the table and threw it over, cursing angrily: "Beast!"

Xuan Lue tilted his head, let the tea cup brush his forehead, and smashed into pieces. A red mark gradually appeared on the forehead, which seemed to be scratched. He understood that Yu Xingyun just wanted to vent his anger.

Sure enough, Yu Xingyun's anger calmed down a little, and he said solemnly, "Come here."

"Do you know about Qifeng?"

"I just found out."

"Didn't he tell you beforehand?"

"No." Xuan's tone was calm, but his heart seemed to be stabbed. He thought they trusted each other, but he kept it from him.

Yu Xingyun suddenly stepped forward, pinched Xuan's jaw, and stared at him. For a moment, he let him go, a little dejected confirming that he wasn't lying.

"Listen," he ordered, putting his hands behind his back, "you leave tomorrow morning and go get him back!"


"And," he paused, "kill that woman!"

"He really did. It's for a woman." Xuan thought to himself, but he still replied, "Yes."

Yu Xingyun said nothing, he paced two steps, suddenly raised his eyes to look at Xuan, the anger in his eyes had been replaced by ** (tn. Idk what thats mean). He reached out and stroked Xuan's cheek, ear and neck. With fair skin and a smooth touch, he could not wait to tear off his clothes immediately, crush him under him, gnaw at him, possess him, appreciate his cries for help...

Xuan's body trembled slightly, but he didn't Avoid. The only thing you can't escape is to learn to endure it.

"Tomorrow I will let him go to work." He didn't want him to be unable to get up tomorrow. The most urgent task is to find that renegade son. He stopped: "Go back to your room, and leave early tomorrow morning."

"Yes, this son retire."

Xuan knew that he had escaped temporarily today. However, will Qi Feng come back with him? That woman is also...

the green hills and green valleys, although not famous, the greenery is still moving.

Wuyin sat on the stone to rest for a while and picked herbs for a day. Although she was tired, she did not feel that it was hard. That heart has a home, and it will never be as helpless as it used to be. It's time to go back, that person should be waiting for her.

After walking a few steps, she saw a few unknown wild flowers swaying gently in the wind under the steep slope on the side of the road, as happy as her mood. She smiled, walked over and climbed down the steep slope carefully, trying to pick the flowers. But it rained last night and the mountain road was still slippery, so she ignored it. The basket behind her was too heavy, the soles of her feet slipped and she turned down.

Her mind went blank, and she even forgot to exclaim. However, she suddenly found that her wrist was grabbed by someone, and immediately her body vacated, and someone pulled her up the steep slope. After a moment of shock, he realized that there was a young man in white with a sword standing in front of him. He should be the one who saved him.

"Thank you so much for your kindness." As she spoke, she saluted.

The young man avoided a little, and returned the courtesy: "I don't dare to do it, there is no reason to see death and not save it."

Boundless looked up, and saw that the boy was seventeen or eighteen years old, with an incomparably handsome face and a pair of eyes as clear as water. I can't help but be glad that I'm past the age where I blush when I see a pretty boy. 

Immediately, she found that the boy seemed to be looking at her too. She smiled slightly: "You must have come from afar."


"I don't know what young master is doing? Is there any place where this one can help?"

"I'm here to find someone."

"Looking for someone?" Wu Yin I was a little uneasy.

"Look for my big brother."

"Oh," Wu Yin was relieved, "I'm also new here, and I'm not familiar with the people here. But it's getting late, do you have a place to stay?"

"It's desolate and not yet. Find a place to spend the night."

"If you don't dislike it, you might as well rest under the house." Boundless warmly invited him.

"So disturbing you." The young man smiled lightly and did not refuse.

"Young master, please." Wu Yin led the way.

"My home is here" It was already dark. The simple farmhouse is no different from the surrounding people. Wu Yin opened the door: "Young Master, please come in." 

After that, he called to the inner room: "I'm back."

"I'll come." Someone inside answered.

"Please wait a moment." Wu Yin said to the young man with a smile. After saying that, he put down his backpack and walked into the back room.

Xuan stood alone in the hall, looking around carefully. Simple and somewhat shabby houses, tidied up very cleanly. The walls are freshly painted, and the windows are plastered with red and colorful Double Happiness patterns.

"...Thanks to a young master who saved me..." Wu Yin pulled someone and said as he walked out: "Thank you so much..."

"Master, this is my uncle," Wu Yin said with a smile.

Xuan turned around and looked at the man behind Wu Yin.

"This is..." Wu Yin pointed at Xuan and turned his head, only to see Qi Feng's face changing suddenly, 

"Qi Feng."

"Xuan..." Qi Feng muttered.

"I've been looking for you for almost half a month." Xuan lightly smiled and said lightly.

"Is it my father's order?" Qi Feng's heart was sinking.

"Yes. He wants me to take you back."

"That's all?"

Xuan smiled and looked at Wu Yin without answering.

Qi Feng's heart froze, and he pulled Wu Yin behind him: "I won't let anyone hurt her!" He understood that Xuan would not leave Bliss City easily, and once he left, it was because of an important mission. 

Xuan, who seems to be delicate and weak, is the best killer in Bliss City.

Xuan looked at Qi Feng's firm expression and restrained his smile. He used to look like this when he was protecting him. After a long while, he lowered his head, looked at the sword in his hand, and said faintly, "This is the order of the city lord. You know what the consequences will be if I don't complete it."

Qi Feng was speechless for a while. He understood that if Xuan went back like this, he would definitely be punished. He had seen Xuan get bruised all over his body because he missed. But Wu Yin is someone he can't lose.

"Xuan..." Qi Feng didn't know how to speak.

"...You know each other?" Wu Yin asked in a low voice behind him.

"Yes, his name is Qing Xuan, my righteous brother."

Wu Yin instinctively wanted to retreat. His hand was tightly grasped by Qi Feng. She looked up at him, but could not see his face, but could see his firmness.

Xuan looked at Qifeng and Wuyin's tightly clasped hands with a sad expression.

Suddenly, he raised his head, the cold light in his eyes swept away, and the sword light flashed, and he took the exposed half of his cheek.

Qi Feng was shocked, he didn't expect that he would suddenly make a move, and hurriedly pulled Wu Yin to avoid it.

But the sword light folded and followed.



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