
Showing posts with the label SSCM

SSCM Chapter 27

 Slag Shou Cultivating Manual Chapter 27 Although his life in kindergarten makes him a little disgusted, but it is still fun, not only there's singing and dancing, but also cartoons, and storytelling. He knows the world better now, and he is in a noble kindergarten, so the activities are extremely rich. For example today, they came to the zoo. The teacher said to let the children hold hands to avoid losing. He Lang refused, but when he looked sideways, he found a little girl with a ponytail, round face, fair skin, and very cute. He hesitated. He still want to shake his head. The little girl has never been rejected. Seeing He Lang refuses to pay attention to her, she looks like want to weeping at any time, no one is holding her right hand, she grabbing the corner of her skirt, and leaning towards him restlessly. He Lang sighed slightly and grasped her little hand. The little girl has a very lively character, her soft and crisp voice has been chattering beside him, like a little spar

SSCM Chapter 26

  Slag Shou Cultivating Manual Chapter 26 Speaking of it, this is He Lang's first time come into contact with skateboarding, but the servant said that he liked to play this most before, so he tried to go with it, but he moved his feet as they said and swiped backwards, but he didn't expect to be able to stop after such a slip. Fortunately, the living room at home has a very large space, allowing him to slide a long a distance, his body moves quickly, the wind blows across his cheeks, his body swaying without grasping the balance, seems to fall off in the next second, this novel excitement makes him couldn't help but laughing. He Lang was slightly startled when he noticed the 'gaze' at the door. He wanted to stop, but his spare wheel led him to fall into the arms of this stranger. This stranger was still young, but he already looked like a teenager, and his thin and weak chest was unexpectedly strong. When he was hit with such strength, he could still hold him firmly

SSCM Chapter 25

  Slag Shou Cultivating Manual Chapter 25 (Arc 2) When He Lang opened his eyes, he saw the white ceiling, and when he looked around, all he could see were strange objects. Such a new and strange world is very uncomfortable for him. He moved his body and realized that he was a child in just like a few years old. The hands in front of him were tender and white, and slightly fleshy. He squeezed them, smooth and soft. The feeling of childhood has long been forgotten, and a strange feeling rises in He Lang's heart, trying to familiarize himself with this new body. He sat up and patted the mattress. He found that it was very soft and comfortable. There were cabinets with special materials beside him, as well as a transparent cup. He took a sip of water and thought that it might be made of transparent ceramics. Because he knocked, he found that he could still make a crisp sound. He Lang was lying on an all-white bed, and he found that there was a protruding button beside him. He touched i

SSCM Chapter 24

  Slag Shou Cultivating Manual Chapter 24 Zhen Pu Yang took a seat on the chair, held his (HL) hand in dissatisfaction, gave him a deterrent look, his tone was weird, "Who allowed you to call him Qiu Bai." He lang didn't want to answer his naive questions. Could it be that a best friends still have to be named by their full name? Zhen Pu Yang rolled his eyes unconvincingly, turned his head blankly, and called him stiffly, "It's better to listen you say Yang'er." "Oh, Yang'er." He Lang fulfilled his wish. "En~" Is this what a majestic Emperor should look like? He Lang shook his head repeatedly. Thinking that after taking the heavy responsibility of the Emperor, Zhen Pu Yang will settle down and focus on national affairs, and actually he did have such a signs some time ago, big and small movements he do it continuously. But before He Lang had time to be relieved, he realized that he (ZPY) was idle again...? "Your majesty, are y

SSCM Chapter 23

 Slag Shou Cultivating Manual Chapter 23 He has promise of staying by his side. Zhen Pu Yang felt that before he could just be invincible, fearless, and be a recipient.  Be the beloved good king, that all the possibilities of it never thought of when he was a child, and the future that he dare not touch because of his unruly nature, are all realized at this moment. He regained his temper, and then proudly made a gesture on the top of the two of them, and said: "Teacher, I was born taller than you." Many years ago, Zhen Pu Yang was still a half-year-old boy, his wish that's it to be only if he is taller and stronger than the teacher, he can held him tightly in his hands. He Lang smiled and pulled his robe. The bright yellow robe made him (ZPY) especially stable today. His complexion was like jade. He was indeed an adult man whom many women admired. For a while, he was moved. Then he patted his shoulder lightly, "Go, don't make the civil and military officials wait