SSCM Chapter 27

 Slag Shou Cultivating Manual

Chapter 27

Although his life in kindergarten makes him a little disgusted, but it is still fun, not only there's singing and dancing, but also cartoons, and storytelling. He knows the world better now, and he is in a noble kindergarten, so the activities are extremely rich.

For example today, they came to the zoo.

The teacher said to let the children hold hands to avoid losing. He Lang refused, but when he looked sideways, he found a little girl with a ponytail, round face, fair skin, and very cute. He hesitated. He still want to shake his head.

The little girl has never been rejected. Seeing He Lang refuses to pay attention to her, she looks like want to weeping at any time, no one is holding her right hand, she grabbing the corner of her skirt, and leaning towards him restlessly.

He Lang sighed slightly and grasped her little hand.

The little girl has a very lively character, her soft and crisp voice has been chattering beside him, like a little sparrow, "My name is Zhen Zhen, is your name Jiang Lang Min? Langlang, why you ignore me?"

Zhen Zhen reached out his hand in aggrieved manner. The front ponytail shook, but He Lang still did not squint.
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When he walked to the rabbit farm, his attention was really diverted, and He Lang got a chance to breathe.

"Look, rabbit is so cute~!" Excited, he took Helang's hand and yanked him, dragging him to the fence of the rabbit garden.

He Lang just raised his eyelids and took a look, then opened his eyes slightly, revealing surprise emotion.

Isn't the one lying on the railing staring at him is Guatu the melon rabbit?

When he first came to this world, he was still very lost. He wondered how the spiritual pet didn't follow him, but fortunately, they still met in this world.

The melon rabbit is very easy to recognize. It is with bigger ears than usual rabbits and the eyes full of spirituality, He Lang recognized it at a glance, and immediately left the team when the teacher was not paying attention, and picked it up.

Zhen Zhen followed in his footsteps, to see him pick up the rabbit directly over the fence, she exclaimed loudly: "Lang Lang don't be like this, teacher and your mother would angry!!"

"Behaved" He Lang points out some chocolate candies in his pocket and put in Zhenzhen’s hands perfunctorily, and the little girl obediently took the candies and ate them, and stopped talking.

Turning his head, He Lang squatted down, put the backpack down, touched Guatu’s long ears, let him feel it, and then threw out the diapers and replacement pants that the servant had prepared for him in the small backpack. Put the rabbit that fits inside.

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Seeing the two front teeth exposed by Guatu's grin, He Lang knew that he was laughing at himself, and he gave it a glance at it with a serious look, and then pulled the schoolbag chain tightly.

When he got home, he ignored the servants' greetings and rushed back to the room, eager to let the rabbit out.

"Is Guatu okay?" Don't be suffocated.

"Host, yingyingying (Tn, crying) the melon rabbit is so pitiful, the melon rabbit is fed up with the days of eating carrots and chinese cabbage with those lower animals!" 

He Lang frowned worriedly, smoothed his hair, and felt empathetic. Deliberately asked the servant to bring up a plate of cut watermelon.

The melon rabbit held melon contentedly, and then slowly said to He Lang, "How is the host's life in this world? By the way, you must not talk like that, for fear that you will be laughed at by others!"

He Lang nodded and said, "It seems that you know the world very well."

Guatu moved his nose, nodded very surely, and flicked his ears. As a high-level spiritual pet traveling time and space, he naturally knows everything.

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In its mouth, He Lang knew that he was equivalent to the origin and historical development of this world after a thousand years of travel. He also learned about the origin and historical development of this world, and he couldn't help but sigh the wisdom of mankind.

But the world is not at all pressure on him at the moment, after all, he is still in... kindergarten.

He Lang usually has no friends in the kindergarten and only stays with Zhenzhen, so when Song Qing Lian was picking him up by accident, she found two children holding hands. 

She couldn't help but joking and asked if it was his girlfriend.

The reticent Jiang Jing Da also glanced at him slightly.

In the face of everyone's joking gaze, He Lang stiffened his neck and shook his head, "No, I just take her as my daughter."

He is old enough to be a father, and his gentleness to her is all due to compassion. This is true, but this The words came out from a small baby mouth and everyone burst into laughter.

"Little young master, you are still a little peasant, how do you treat someone like a daughter?"

He Lang was teased by everyone, his cheeks were slightly hot, he did looks cute. Besides, he was still so young. How did the parents tell him these things.

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He frowned and murmured to himself. Choosing not to care about them, he went back to the room and explained it again with Guatu. He didn't treat Zhenzhen as his girlfriend.

"Ah, host, you turned out to be Lolicon!" The melon in Guatu's hand fell to the ground, with a look of astonishment.

"What's that?" He Lang asked puzzled, he is still very unfamiliar with some new-style words now.

Guatu looked at the ancient man pityingly, "Host, you have to go to the Internet, or you won't be able to keep up with the times."

That night, He Lang asked his mother for a computer and mobile phone.

"You are only three years old, do you know all the characters? My baby has grown up after returning from kindergarten just a few days ago?" Song Qing Lian said so, but she immediately installed a computer and gave him a mobile phone, all to coax him happy.

Follow Guatu's instructions, and then... He Lang opened the door to a new world.


Because He Lang’s kindergarten and Jiang Jing Da’s elementary school are very close, He Lang asked his brother to send him to the kindergarten without a servant or his mother.

Jiang Jing Da remained silent, as if he hadn't heard it, and didn't say whether it was yes or no. He nodded only after He Lang persuaded Song Qing Lian to let him speak.

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Even in the short time of going to school, it is considered an opportunity for contact. At this time, he will go to school hand in hand with Jiang Jing Da, and communicate with him at this time.

However, Jiang Jing Da's personality is really boring. He (HL) often talked a lot before he gave a faint hum, which was extremely boring.

Over time, He Lang lost his vitality. He was not a enthusiastic person. It is rare to talk so actively and stay excited. He didn't expect the object to show face and just ignore him.

"Tomorrow, Zhenzhen and I will go to kindergarten. Brother will just go to school on his own. You doesn't need to care about it." He tugged at Jiang Jing Da's clothes and said dullly.

After a while, Jiang Jing Da picked up his small schoolbag and said, "No." It seemed as if he was helping him with it, but it was actually not letting him go.

He Lang smiled, what is this called? Guatu said that this is to sell Meng ? (Tn, cuteness)

Jiang Jing Da seems to have very good grades. When He Lang looked through his schoolbag, he could always see that he had all the test papers with full marks. This not only proved his talents and intelligence, but also owed to his diligence and studious.

Even on weekends, he had to stay in his room to study uninterruptedly, which made He Lang give up his plan to go out on weekends and follow Jiang Jing Da like a little stalker.

Song Qing Lian was slightly surprised, "You like your brother so much?" She thought that the little devil in the family would make trouble, so she also rejected Jiang Jing Da's arrival at the beginning, but for now, the relationship between the two is very harmonious and it's hard to say.

He Lang glanced at Jiang Jing Da and nodded affirmatively.

This is the only reason and object for him that make him come to this world, and he cannot be ignore.

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It's just that both of them are still young, and the task hasn't improved. He Lang can only wait patiently, all as a life experience. After all, God has given him a chance to be resurrected. In addition to being a task, he wants to have a good taste. Life is varied.

In fact, He Lang had also asked Jiang Jing Da about what he wanted to do in the future, so that he could have a rough idea, but saw Jiang Jing Da stop writing, feeling depressed.

He Lang thought he would not answer, but he pondered carefully for a long time before telling him in a low voice that he wanted to buy back his father's property.

He also knew the secret behind the death of Jiang Jing Da's parents.

He was originally at an age that should be loved as much as him, but he fell down just in overnight, his family was broken, and he was adopted by his father’s friends before his death. After his father went bankrupt, his family’s properties were merged, so he had such a desire at a young age. He Lang recalled his parents, and couldn't help feeling pity.

He patted Jiang Jing Da on the shoulder and told him that everything would come true.

Jiang Jing Da nodded, and stopped talking, Aunt Hui walked in with the blanket to remind them that it was time for a nap.

"Let's take a nap together for the two young masters."

Seeing the two children look inseparable, Aunt Hui spread He Lang's sleeping mat on Jiang Jing Da's bed and let them sleep together.

He Lang quickly fell asleep, but Jiang Jing Da was full of thoughts and couldn't easily fall asleep. Turning his head to see, the child was already sleeping soundly, his mouth slightly opened, looking charming and lovely, his heart suddenly struck relaxed and become sleepy.
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Although his hands and feet were restrained and his sleeping posture was stiff, he finally couldn't help but put his hands on He Lang's body, slowly tightening, and pulling the soft body into his arms. This close contact made him feel at ease. , In this home that doesn't seem to belong to him, only the child in his arms can make him find a hope.


Due to work reasons, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother often travel or return late, especially after Jiang Jing Da and He Lang are companying each other, they are also relieved a lot, so now most of the time, Jiang Jing Da is with him , Although he might not play with He Lang, but He Lang is always willing to stay by his side, not even playing with toys.

He thought he (HL) would feel wronged because of that, but he didn't expect He Lang to feel relieved that he didn't have to play with toys every day.

Jiang Jing Da asked He Lang if he would feel lonely, because even if he had a servant serving him, he seemed very happy, but then he was always with him and not with his loved ones.

He Lang shook his head.

Not to mention that after the death of his mother concubine, even when he was young, he would not stay with mother concubine every day. Needless to say, if the father Emperor would come it will be a great grace to see the previous side of him. And now, at least he can always often seen and thought of by others. In comparison, his life nowadays is very satisfying.

Jiang Jing Da's heart collapsed slightly. He only felt that the person in front of him was very clever and sensible. He didn't understand why the servants would call him a little devil, because to him, he was already a little angel.

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Jiang Jing Da thought for a while, thought it over, and said, "Brother will always be by your side."

He Lang believed him, perhaps because the unspoken person's promises seem simple, but in fact they are very solemn.


The author has something to say: Why play stalking with Jiang Jing Da, so drama.

[Read my other danmei tranlsation? 🥀]

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