SSCM Chapter 26


Slag Shou Cultivating Manual

Chapter 26

Speaking of it, this is He Lang's first time come into contact with skateboarding, but the servant said that he liked to play this most before, so he tried to go with it, but he moved his feet as they said and swiped backwards, but he didn't expect to be able to stop after such a slip.

Fortunately, the living room at home has a very large space, allowing him to slide a long a distance, his body moves quickly, the wind blows across his cheeks, his body swaying without grasping the balance, seems to fall off in the next second, this novel excitement makes him couldn't help but laughing.

He Lang was slightly startled when he noticed the 'gaze' at the door. He wanted to stop, but his spare wheel led him to fall into the arms of this stranger.

This stranger was still young, but he already looked like a teenager, and his thin and weak chest was unexpectedly strong. When he was hit with such strength, he could still hold him firmly, which seemed so reliable.

Perhaps it is the child's mind that affects him too thoroughly, and he (HL) even wants to stay in this embrace for a while.

He Lang waited for him to let go, but found that the kid in front of him was slightly dumb. After hugging him, he seemed to be stunned and didn't understand anything.

He Lang slowly raised his head, and jabbed the person who seemed to be like a wooden stake in a puzzled way.

Jiang Jing Da allowed his little hand to poke at himself and he blinked. For some reason, he seemed to have forgotten how to do the action of letting go. His eyes are full of this children's figure, he's exquisite and cute, clean and beautiful, and they are so different from the other children he had seen during the time in the orphanage. He can't help but want to look at it for a while.

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He Lang rolled his eyes and said, "Who are you and why you look at me like that?."

Although he (HL) probably has the answer in his heart, he still wants to confirm again. Once again, and listening to him speak in person, but he seemed to ask too quickly... he also didn't change the way of he speaking.

He Lang has gradually gotten used to this world, but he is not so easy to change the way of speaking he has for so many years. The people in this family only think that he has watched too many costume dramas, and no one blames him or asks him to correct it. 

When he came over, he just said as much as he wanted, but would the person in front of him think he was weird? It's like those people who's met him for the first time.

Hearing the child's words, Jiang Jing Da immediately retracted his gaze, lowered his gaze, and trying to cover his emotions with his long eyelashes, but he couldn't help but laugh in his heart for the way he (HL) spoke.

He Lang keenly caught the small fluctuations in his emotions, he pretending to be unhappy, pouted, and asked if he was laughing at him secretly.

Jiang Jing Da's calm eyes flashed a trace of panic. He heard that the child had a bad temper. For fear of making him angry, he immediately shook his head.

"Young master, this is your new brother, Jiang Jing Da mentioned by the Lady." The servant was afraid that their young master would be moody and bully Jiang Jing Da, who looked honest, and she hurried to introduce him.

"Jiang Jing Da? Brother?" He Lang nodded and thought with satisfaction. He learned new words again, and then called out a few more happily.

Jiang Jing Da breathed a sigh of relief. The child finally didn't get angry, but he didn't expect that he would call him his brother so cutely, and this address is like a fluttering feather, dangling in the air for a while, and then lightly--lightly fell on his heart and make it suddenly heavy.

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This is his younger brother, and he is his older brother.

"Young Master, wipe your sweat first." Aunt Hui, who took care next to him, ran over panting, and wiped the child with the towel in her hand.

He Lang naturally raised his face and asked her to wipe off the sweat on his face, pretending to be enthusiastic, he wrapped Jiang Jing Da, and specifically called him with a childish voice.

"Brother, my name is Jiang Lang Min."

Jiang Jing Da nodded calmly, but still couldn't help secretly raise his eyes to look at Jiang Lang Min who was smiling brightly.

The child saw that Jiang Jing Da did not speak, nor was he discouraged, "Brother, I will take you to my room."

He Lang took Jiang Jing Da's hand and pulled him into his room. Aunt Hui watched the two children holding hands from the back, also happyly to go to the kitchen to continue working.

Jiang Jing Da didn't expect that he would be so enthusiastic about him. In amazement, his eyes were placed on He Lang's small soft hands. He held his fingers tightly, because they were so close, his nose can sniffed deeply and feel the slight of milky fragrance on his body.

He Lang pushed Jiang Jing Da into his room, opened the toy box, and the dazzling array made Jiang Jingda dazzled.

After the death of his parents, he has never seen these glamorous toys again. During the time he spent in the orphanage, he thought day and night, cried, resented, and seemed to grow up in overnight, he understand that he's not qualified to get what he want anymore.

Long before he came, he told himself to be calm, well-behaved and sensible, and never trouble his adoptive parents. He also planned to remain taciturn, but in front of this child, he could not maintain his calmness.

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Whether it is his smiling face or his active approach, it will make him always want to approach and play with him wantonly, just like a normal child.

The feelings in his childhood were simple and pure. He Lang wanted to buy him directly with toys, but Jiang Jing Da really calmed his temper. He was a little bit distressed because of his desirelessness and lack of desire, but he still found that he left a glance for a minute more on some figure toy. 

So he immediately stood on tiptoe and took it down from the cabinet, with a bright smile, and handed it to his (JJD) hand, "Hey, if you like it, I will give it to you."

Jiang Jing Da heard it half-heartedly, but he knew it. He (HL) was going to give this thing to himself, he was flattered and backed away a few steps, shook his head slowly, and said with difficulty: "You can't ask for something from your brother."

He Lang raised his little brow, and Jiang Jing Da thought he was angry. His heart also started up within his expression.

Finally he (HL) put the model into his hands and said softly: "I am your younger brother, so all my things is belong to you my brother."

This reason...this if it caused Jiang Jingda's heart to open a spiderweb-like crack, and then it turned into a dart, hitting the target, and hitting his heart in one fell swoop. Jiang Jing Da hugged the figurine in his arms and said thank you in a low voice, but his eyes were slightly red, not as if he was given a gift, but as if he being bullied.

Seeing that Jiang Jing Da did not dance with joy, but lowered his head and cry, He Lang pondered that after experiencing the pain that ordinary children cannot bear in a short period of time, the psychological quality of the objects in this world has improved, he looks calm, and his heart is very sensitive also delicate at this time, which is very useful for him. Good.

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Taking advantage of Jiang Jing Da's care about himself now, He Lang felt that he should make himself as an important person in his heart in one fell swoop, otherwise, under the same roof, he (JJD) would not have the ability to protect himself, such as Jiang Jing Da had a younger brother, he will find it difficult to balance the emotions like disgust.

In just such a few seconds, Jiang Jing Da's eyes flashed slightly, and he gritted his teeth without making a sound. He Lang tugged at the corner of his mouth, raised his head and his own neckline, to wiped his tears..."Crybaby." 

Aunt Hui used to say that to him, so he applied the word to him (JJD) appropriately at this time.

Jiang Jing Da immediately wiped the residual water marks on the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand, and looked at him firmly, "It won't be anymore." 

He Lang nodded, smiling.

Jiang Jing Da was eight years old at this time, just in the third grade, and He Lang was also at the age of kindergarten.

He didn't know what's kindergarten was. Song Qing Lian explained to him that it was a place for children to study. She was afraid that he would not want to, and told him that everyone would go to it, otherwise they would not be able to grow up.

He Lang accepted it happily and looked forward to it. It turns out that people in this world attach so much importance to learning, and every three-year-old child has begun to read.

But after he really started school, He Lang couldn't help being dumbfounded. His mother told him to go to school. Why did he come here to see these children dancing all day long and dancing to a strange music?

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When the loud music sounded, there was only one child in the class, that is He Lang, who did not move, he just holding his hands and staring at the people around him, feeling complicated.

The teacher enlightened him with a bright smile, holding his two small hands to teach him to dance, He Lang still remained unmoved, shook his head and said that he didn't want to move.

The teacher wiped the sweat from his forehead helplessly. No wonder when the child’s parents first came to kindergarten, they even confessed that this child might cause them a very headache, but the child’s status is noble, and she is not reluctant. The teacher touched him. After that, he went to sing and dance with other children.

"Three circles on the left, three circles on the right, twisted neck~twisted ass~"

"One more time! Twisted neck~twisted ass~" 

The cheerful music is endless, He Lang thought, he hates kindergarten.

When it came to the storytelling class, He Lang finally got a little interested. The teacher saw that the young master was interested in the story, and immediately asked him to show it on stage to tell a story. He Lang slightly nodded, wanting to tell an idiom story about Yi Miao encouraged. 

(Tn, 揠苗助长的成语故事 its an idiom about seedlings help, the anxious for success but in bad things. A kind of education that fosters the growth seedlings is a kind of destruction to the personality of the students)

Looking at the pair of round eyes under the stage, He Lang cleared his throat, and said with confidence: "There are people in the Song Dynasty who are worried about seedlings who not got long and noisy, and they will return. He said that:'Today  is sick! I will help the seedlings to grow up!' His son hurried to field, to see the seedlings, but the seedlings where withered. The world does not help the elders of the seedlings. Those who don’t help the seedlings will also be those who can't cultivate the seedlings; those who help the elders, It’s not be useless and harmful..." 

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The audience was silent, and the teacher’s smile was stiff at the corners of his mouth, "Hehehe, kid.. Jiang Lang Min spoke very well! kids applaud for him kids!" 

The kids clapped their belly. Laughing, some are ignorantly arguing that they are hungry or want to pee.

He Lang frowned and returned to his seat, thinking that he is an adult man, so he would not care about some children who are not grow enough.

When he got home, he was like pardoning his sins, but Song Qing Lian kept asking him, "Have you made good friends?"

He Lang recalled the children in the kindergarten with a face full of saliva and nasal mucus, he resolutely shook his head.

"Does baby like the kindergarten?" Song Qing Lian looked at him nervously.

He Lang replied affirmatively, "Not! Like!"

The author has something to say: Because changing the world, the character will change, maybe a little ooc, but an environment has a great influence on a person's character, and then the original body will also affect the protagonist. In order to fit the original body as much as possible, the protagonist will also make adjustments to his behavior. He thinks so [forced explanation]

A conservative ancient person suddenly came to modern kindergarten to sing and dance with the children. It is very bitter. NL.

[Read my other danmei tranlsation? 🥀]

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