SSCM Chapter 25


Slag Shou Cultivating Manual

Chapter 25 (Arc 2)

When He Lang opened his eyes, he saw the white ceiling, and when he looked around, all he could see were strange objects. Such a new and strange world is very uncomfortable for him.

He moved his body and realized that he was a child in just like a few years old. The hands in front of him were tender and white, and slightly fleshy. He squeezed them, smooth and soft.

The feeling of childhood has long been forgotten, and a strange feeling rises in He Lang's heart, trying to familiarize himself with this new body.

He sat up and patted the mattress. He found that it was very soft and comfortable. There were cabinets with special materials beside him, as well as a transparent cup. He took a sip of water and thought that it might be made of transparent ceramics. Because he knocked, he found that he could still make a crisp sound.

He Lang was lying on an all-white bed, and he found that there was a protruding button beside him. He touched it curiously and found that it could be pressed.

With such a press, two people in uniform rushed into the door, rushed to him with concern, and asked quickly: "Little master? Little master, what's wrong with you?" 

These two weirdly dressed people make He Lang shrank back, grabbed the quilt, and shook his head cautiously, "I'm fine."

Then, at the call of the two servants, another lady with grace and noble temperament soon came and walked to his side quickly.

He Lang was slightly shy, but don't look away, wondering why women in this world wore so short skirts and their calves were exposed.

Seeing the always lively child not speaking, Song Qing Lian thought he was still uncomfortable, so she sat down on the bed and touched his head distressedly.

He Lang did not refuse. The soft breath exuding his body and the care for himself had already indicated that she was his own mother, so He Lang also relaxed a little, leaning on her palm cleverly, take the feeling, His mother concubine have passed away for a long time, and he has never felt the warmth from his mother again.

Although he don’t understand some words, from the suspected servant and his new mother, He Lang think that his identity is not bad, he should be a wealthy family, so he was called the young master, and from them in his attitude towards himself, he felt that he should be very favored and would respond to any of his request. 

They said that he shook himself high while swinging in the playground because he was playful and ignored the advice of his servant, then he fell off by mistake, causing a slight concussion in his head. 

He probably understands the situation, um, but he hasn't yet understand other things and words. (⊙v⊙) 

Because he was unfamiliar with the environment, He Lang did not dare to act rashly, but thanks to the fact that this body is a three-year-old child, the environment and the characters words naturally have much lower requirements on his behavior, even if it is a mistake or weird behavior will be tolerated by adults.

"What's wrong with Langlang? Is your head feel uncomfortable?" Song Qing Lian asked worriedly when she saw that he was not talking, even showing a serious thinking expression. 

He Lang quietly raised his eyes to look at the woman with exquisite makeup. Hearing her concerned tone and nickname, he seemed to feel a touch of familiarity. It turned out that his name had not changed much, still had a Lang word. And the woman seemed to love him very much, her soft eyes seemed to be able to contain everything about him.

He gradually relaxed, pulling the corners of his mouth and raising a bright smile, opening his mouth, still an unusually tender voice, He Lang coughed uncomfortably. "Mother (formal), I'm cured." 

"Ah? Ah, okay." Song Qing Lian paused before reacting, and she answered him a few times, wondering in her heart that this child might have watched too many costume dramas. She turned her head and glared at the servant next to her, and said, "Don't show so many TV shows to my baby in the future!" The two servants looked at each other, confused, and finally just nodded. 

Now that he was safe and sound, he was quickly picked up home, familiar with the place where he lived, and gradually learned more news.

In this world, his name is Jiang Lang Min, and he is also the baby of the whole family. His parents and his family business is huge. He can be said to be born with a golden spoon in his life, carefree.

And Jiang Langmin, who is only three years old, looks as cute as a doll, with a round face and a slightly pointed chin, and his delicate facial features reveal a small and exquisite feeling because of his young age, like a little angel who has accidentally lost his way in the world.

Even if he did a prank, no one would bear to blame him. The first time he was so spoiled, his mentality gradually relaxed, because it seemed that no matter what strange behavior he made at this time, he would be regarded as a child’s innocence. 

Even so he still heard that they called him naughty little devil. For this words, he is quite novel. His object in his previous life could be very similar to such a character. 

Now that he has changed it, he also has the opportunity to try as he pleases. In fact, for a kid that had a carefree life, who doesn't have a trace of yearning in his heart. It's just because of the reality and the concerns around him, so everyone will live like he needs to adapt, like walking on thin ice. It was also in the following life that he also discovered that he had such a longing and suppressed, naughty side, but this felt good, he began to adapt to life in this world, and tried to make himself innocent. 

This body similar to himself. Whenever the servant waits for him to take a bath and prepares vegetables for him, he will watch quietly and learn how to live in this world. He found that this world is really strange. 

There are extremely fast transportation, very convenient various tools, and small sections that can transmit sound for thousands of miles. Even the way and structure of life are similar to those of his previous life in fact, it's all different. 

However, the people who take care of his daily life will always find him strange, and they can't help but talking about the peculiarities in their spare time, "Isn't the young master breaking his brain? he didn't even say a single word for a long time. Isn’t it weird? I just gave him a ball that he didn’t like but he didn’t even get angry, and even took it and hugged it.”

He Lang twitched the corners of his mouth, looked at the toy-like things in the big box, stretched out his hand impatiently to take it, and then slammed the ball aside, showing disgust look.

The servant immediately stopped talking, picked up the ball, stepped forward to surround him, and handed all kinds of toys "Little master, don't worry--" He Lang made a fuss for a while, and the servants found the familiar little master again.

He Lang took a sip of water, and then deliberately splashed the water on the neckline clumsily, so that he was wiped clean and changed clothes.

He wiped his sweat secretly, it turned out that being a child is so tiring.

There was a movement at the door. It turned out that Song Qing Lian had just returned home. She took off her high heels. The servant took off her coat and heavy jewellery before she walked tiredly to He Lang playing with toys and told him that someone would be coming soon. 

An older brother, would play with him.

He Lang showed great interest and quickly continued to ask questions.

Song Qing Lian touched the top of his soft head lovingly, but rolled her eyes, "If it's not for your father with a lot of his kindness, asking for trouble, and adopting his old friend's son." 

In other words, this person who is about to come. Want to live in the same roof with him for a long time? He Lang thought , and squeezed a sweet smile, "Mother, what is his name." 

Song Qinglian has become accustomed to the way her children speak, and she didn't say much. Although she has a bad temper, she treats her children very patient, "Well, let me think about it, what is Jiang, oh, Jiang Jing Da, the same surname as my baby, so your dad would feels relieved ." 

This name moved the manual in He Lang's pocket. He Lang immediately realized something and made a fuss that he was sleepy and wanted to go back to the room to sleep, and his mother was not allowed to come in. 

Then he took a peek at the newly appeared name in the manual---Jiang Jing Da under the covers. 

The instructions in the manual are still concise, just give a name directly, and not make too many hints. He Lang lowered his head, stroked the name carefully, and began to think about how to get along with this person. …………


In the car seat, a child about seven or eight years old sits upright, not daring to move the slightest, his eyes are rigorous and lifeless, which is not suitable for his age.

Jiang Jing Da twisted his body anxiously, and looked at the exquisite greenery outside the window that looks like a comic strip.

It has been some time since his parents died, he was forced to come to the orphanage, but fortunately, his father’s friends before his death decided to adopt him as an adopted son. 

At this time, He is sitting in this car specially to pick him up, Jiang Jing Da was laying his head on the window of the car. Waiting blankly for his future.

The car slowly stopped in front of a white villa, and the person in the front seat got out of the car and opened the door for him, without saying a word.

He didn't care, but got out of the car cautiously, and followed the steps of a few people around him into the place he might call home later.

As soon as the heavy and luxurious door opened, in addition to the bright lights, there were magnificent furnishings. But, what attracted his attention most was a figure chased by a servant.

"Little master, be careful!" A woman in an apron chased He Lang who was skating clumsyly.

Jiang Jing Da stared at the scene in front of him blankly, his body stiff, his eyes were involuntarily nailed to the child's body.

The broken hair on the child’s forehead was half-wet and stuck to his forehead. His eyes were not very big, but curved. Such a smiling eye was like a shining galaxy, which attracted his eyes completely. The body exudes a strong feeling, and it only takes a glance to make people love him.

He may be unfamiliar with skateboarding, and he stumbled and swayed, and Jiang Jing Da's heart was also slightly picked up, for fear that he might fall.

Subconsciously, he took a step forward and opened his hands to hold him, in case that child get fall he could catch him. 

But he did not expect that this little angel-like child was really just such a coincidence. He (HL) slid the wheel and rushed towards him, and then hit him. 

Jiang Jing Da catch him in his arms, and was hugged.

Soft, warm, and beautiful, this feeling has been transmitted to the bottom of his heart.

Like what i do??

[Read my other danmei tranlsation?🥀]

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