QX Chapter 2

 Qing Xuan

Chapter 2

Qi Feng release Wu Yin hand to block, but the sword movement was surprisingly fast. Usually Xuan is very gentle, but once holding a sword, it is very scary. In desperation, Qi Feng slapped Xuan's chest with a palm.

With a bang, the sword stance was broken, Xuan  took a few steps back, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the front of the white clothes was instantly dyed red.

"Xuan!" Qi Feng exclaimed and rushed forward, supporting Xuan's shaky body. He didn't want to hurt him. He never thought that the person who hurt him would be himself, and he should be able to avoid it.

"Xuan, how are you?"

Xuan raised his head and looked straight at Qi Feng with a desolate expression. The injury is not serious, but the heartache is like being torn apart. He lost. It was the choice he forced Qifeng to make. He knew that this would be the result, but he still wanted to bet. Sure enough, he failed miserably.

"Xuan..." Qi Feng called out in pain.

Looking at Qifeng's face, he knew that the concern in his eyes was not disguised. Xuan suddenly smiled: "This way I can explain it better." After saying that, he pushed Qi Feng's hand away, turned around and walked towards the door.

When he reached the door, he suddenly stopped: "I can find you and others would so. Don't let her go out alone next time."

After that, he rushed into the night without looking back.

Qi Feng chased to the door, only to see that the white back disappeared instantly. Behind him, Wu Yin asked softly, "How old is he?"

"In two months, he will be eighteen." Their birthdays are on the same day. When the two were just children, when he knew that the abandoned Xuan did not know his birthday, he said to him: "We were born on the same day, because we are brothers."

"He looked sad . ." Wu Yin stood beside Qi Feng and looked up at him. Just in line with his eyes.

If Xuan had started earlier, they would not have seen each other today.

Qi Feng suddenly hugged Wu Yin. Fortunately, she was not lost. If lost and recovered, he must be sure that she is well in his arms in order to suppress the fear of losing her in his heart.

A few days later, when Xuan returned to Bliss City, it was already midnight.

"Second young master, is the eldest young master unwilling to come back?" Abin asked carefully while helping Xuan get dressed.

"They are married, Qifeng should be very happy."

"Then how did you explain to the city owner?"

"I was injured by him, so I can't bring him back."

"Second Young Master, are you injured?" Abin was a little anxious .

"It's okay, it's just a minor injury. Qifeng won't really hurt me."

"Then you haven't told the city master yet?"

"It's very late today. I'll reply tomorrow." 

Someone outside said, "Second Young Master, you
should go to see him immediately." Xuan was stunned, and then replied, "I see."

Abin held Xuan's hand, looking a little worried.

Xuan patted Abin on the shoulder comfortingly and turned to go out.

Yu Xingyun waited in the inner room with gloomy eyes.

"Foster father." Xuan greeted himself.

"Why don't you come and report immediately when you come back?"

"This son thinks that the foster father has rested, so he doesn't dare to disturb."

Yu Xingyun snorted coldly: "I want you to bring Qifeng back. Where is the person?"

"This son is incompetent."

"Then you kill that woman?"

"I... can't do it."

"What did you say?" Yu Xingyun shouted angrily.

Xuan suddenly knelt down: "Big brother has already married that woman, I beg your adoptive father to make it completed."

"Complete?" Yu Xingyun glared at Xuan coldly, suddenly raised his foot and kicked Xuan's chest, scolding angrily: "You bastard, how dare you disobeying orders? When will it be your turn to intervene?"

Xuan groaned and fell to the ground, blood dripping from the corners of his lips. Although that foot had no internal force, it affected the wound.

"He actually hurt you?" Yu Xingyun was a little surprised, and then said angrily: "Why, do you act together? Do you think you can fool around like this?" He grabbed Xuan's hair and forced him to look up at himself. There was a painful expression on the face in front of him, and there were bloodshots on the slightly opened lips. That kind of desolate beauty made Yu Xingyun feel that a fire had ignited in his body. He suddenly smiled and pulled Xuan's shirt open.

"No!" Xuan refused in horror. He wanted to escape, but his hair was pulled by Yu Xingyun's and threw him onto the bed. He struggled to get up, but the whole person was suppressed by Yu Xingyun who rushed up. "No!" Xuan screamed in despair.

The clothes were torn off, Yu Xingyun buried his head on him and sucked, biting, like a greedy beast. The body that was being stroked roughly seemed not to be his own, and his hair was pulled back again. 

Xuan couldn't help opening his mouth to exhale, but Yu Xingyun's hot cock was stuffed into his mouth. He instinctively reached out to push and refused, but he couldn't stop the cruel pumping. The swollen cock made him feel like he was about to suffocate. Suddenly, Yu Xingyun pulled away from his body. 

Xuan fell on the bed, coughing violently. Yu Xingyun grabbed Xuan's ankle and pushed it to his chest to spread it. Xuan suddenly woke up: "No, foster father, no..." Yu Xingyun stopped for a while, admiring Xuan's plea with satisfaction. 

Immediately, he advanced suddenly, mercilessly running through him. Xuan's body arched like an electric shock, his fingers clenched tightly against the sheets, his open mouth seemed to be in pain, but he couldn't make a sound. Yu Xingyun kept hitting Xuan's body, his heavy breathing was filled with satisfaction. This was the best punishment for Xuan. He temporarily calmed down his anger and was extremely satisfied. There was blood dripping on the white sheets, and then gradually fainted...


Xuan's body swayed with Yu Xingyun's swaying, like a lifeless doll.

"Feng, help me... help me..." The only name that could be asked for help was in his mind, but he also understood that, that person would never come to save him. Tears ran down his cheeks before he lost consciousness...

When he woke up again, he was in his own room, and Abin's anxious face gradually became clear. 

"Second Young Master, you are awake." Abin breathed a sigh of relief.

what happened? Xuan was a little confused. Gradually, the nightmarish memory came back. Humiliation, pain, and... despair!

"Second Young Master, would you like something to eat?" Abin leaned beside Xuan and said softly, "You've been in a coma all day. You haven't even drunk water since you came back.

"for a day? He hoped to be in the afterlife after a thousand years. Xuan turned his head feebly and closed his eyes.

"Second young master..."

"He has a fever and is very weak. Let him rest first. I have seen the wound for him, and it will not be a big problem."

A strange voice was speaking, but he did not want to find out who that person was. . 

No wonder the mouth is thirsty, the limbs are weak, and the body seems to be gradually melted. It's good, it's good to burn it to ashes.

"I'll go first. Watch him a little tonight, and if the fever doesn't go away tomorrow morning, let me know immediately."

"Yes. There is Mr. Lauzhuo, go slowly.."

Who? Hazy Xuan opened his eyes.

"Feng It's you!" Incomparable joy filled his heart. "When did you come back?"

Feng didn't answer, just looked at him gently.

"Feng?" Xuan was a little puzzled.

Feng suddenly smiled and turned to leave.

"Feng!" Xuan struggled to remember, but his body was so heavy that he couldn't move: "Feng, don't go!" He begged loudly. But that indifferent back walked farther and farther, and never looked back... 


"Second Young Master! Second Young Master, wake up!" Abin shouted anxiously.

Xuan suddenly woke up, there was no Feng, only Abin and another man.

"Second Young Master..." Abin called out in pain, while gently helping Xuan to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Let him drink the medicine and change his clothes for him," the man ordered.

Xuan noticed him for the first time. Zhuo Han, the head of Zhu Quetang, is both civil and military, and has excellent medical skills, but he does not like disputes. He knew him, but only by nodding acquaintance.

"Second Young Master," Abin supported Xuan's neck and helped him sit up.

pain! The excruciating pain of the benzylic body pierced through the body. Xuan fell into A Bin's arms in pain, frowning tightly.

"Second Young Master!" Abin looked at Zhuo Han at a loss.

"His body was injured, of course it will hurt. It will be fine in a few days."

Xuan slowed down and looked up at him. The man was looking at him with indifference.

Abin made Xuan lean on him, and took the soup from the low machine by the bed and brought it to Xuan's lips.

medicine? Is there a cure for heartache in this world? That was all he wanted. Xuan don't go overboard and refuse to drink the medicine.

"Second young master, drink the medicine. You have been burning for two days. Mr. Zhuo said that it will be very dangerous if you don't reduce the fever." Abin pleaded. But Xuan did not respond.

"Let me."

Zhuo Han stepped forward, took the medicine bowl in Abin's hand with one hand, and squeezed Xuan's chin with the other hand, forcing him to turn his head and open his mouth. Before Xuan could react, the medicine was forcefully poured into his mouth. There was a stinging pain in the corner of the already damaged mouth, Xuan wanted to break free, but the weak and weak body could only succumb to his strength. Abin looked at them at a loss, trying to stop Zhuo Han, but he also understood that this was an effective way to make Xuan drink the medicine.

Finally, Zhuo Han let go of him, Xuan couldn't stop coughing. The spilled medicine stained his clothes, but most of the medicine was successfully poured down by Zhuo Han.

"Help him change his clothes."

Abin reached out to pull Xuan's shirt, but Xuan grabbed his hand. Xuan looked up at Zhuo Han. Although he knew that he had already checked his whole body for him, he still didn't want to expose his body in front of him.

Zhuo Han said nothing and walked away.

The clothes were gone, and the pale body was covered with bruises and bloodstains. Xuan closed his eyes, this body is too dirty.

Abin resisted the surging sadness, carefully put on clean clothes for Xuan, and tried not to touch his wound. Then, help him lie down again.

"Second Young Master, I know that I'm just a servant and nothing. In your heart, I can't compare with the eldest Young Master. But Abin will always be by your side. You won't be alone." Abin whispered , and finally couldn't help choking.

Zhuo Han turned around and looked at them silently.

For several days, Zhuo Han would monitor Xuan drinking medicine. Xuan resisted at first, but after two or three times he realized that it was futile. Although he glared at Zhuo Han, Zhuo Han turned a blind eye. Zhuo Han's reason is very good: he will not let any patient die by his hands.

Abin was away, Xuan was sitting on the bed, and Zhuo Han was sitting beside him to take his pulse. Xuan's fever has subsided, although he is still very weak, after all, there is no serious problem. He just coughs from time to time, as if the root of the disease has fallen.

Zhuo Han let go of Xuan's hand, looked at the expressionless Xuan, and suddenly said, "There is no one in this world who can't live without losing someone."

Xuan raised his head and looked at him with some doubts.

Zhuo Han stood up and smiled at Xuan: "I'm leaving." After that, he turned and walked out the door.

The child's body should be fine. But what about the heart? Perhaps the only one who can save that heart is himself.

Why did you say that to him before you left? Zhuo Han was a little puzzled himself. Pity him, or pity each other? The same thing is they an abandoned child, after countless crying and asking for help, only to find that the only person who can rely on is himself. 

I want this child to know this, and I don't want to see that kind of helpless eyes again, that kind of letting go.



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